Monday, November 15, 2010

Individual Lashes

I'm really trying to get the hang of this faux lash thing so I've been playing around a little. I've been able to put the strips on successfully (with lots of work) a couple of times, but being that I prefer the more natural looking ones I don't really feel like they improve my look. I did buy first pair of demi whispies so I'm excited to play around with those to see what I get. 

I wasn't thinking about trying individuals until a friend asked me to learn how so that I could save her from driving 20 miles and paying $50 in a shop. I said yes, but put it off a little while longer hoping should would forgot about it. Of  course she didn't and asked about it a week later so I couldn't hide anymore. I went out this weekend and some lashes and the glue that lasts forever and smells bad. Boy, I was a mess when I first tried to do this on Friday. I right eye wasn't horrible but the left one was so crappy. I decided to take them off after a day because I felt super self conscience and the glue was so clumpy (someone had the bright idea to use regular lash glue on some of them). Being that I'm not the lay down and quit type of girl, I picked up the lashes, glue, tweezers and my patience and tried it again. This time they came out well enough to leave them on until they fall off as I believe they look a lot better. I will definitely update this post once I take them off and when I put hers on this weekend.

Love and Hugs,

Friday, November 12, 2010

What's A Girl To Do !?!

To go natural or stay with the creamy crack (relaxer)? I've been toying with the this idea for a while and think I might have come to a conclusion. As of right now I've decided to hold off on getting a perm to see if I can go all the way. If i decide at any point that natural is not for me then I'll simply return to getting my hair relaxed. The reason I'm doing this is to see what my natural state is like and if its manageable, not for any other reasons. If you're natural please leave your stories below, I'd look to read some of them. I'll definitely keep you updated on my affair with hair!

Love and Hugs,

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I Just Can't Get Enough...

I've been such a tv junkie lately (well...not just lately!) that I thought I'd share with you what's been occupying my time lately. The new fall season has started and I definitely have a couple of shows that I watch faithfully.

Bravo's The Real Housewives
I've always been a Housewives fan from the beginning. I can remember when it was all about Orange County and the seasons were 6-9 months apart with lots of reruns in between. Now, we're introduced to a new set of Housewives every 3-6 months and I LOVE IT! I will say Atlanta is by fair my favorite because they are the most entertaining, but I definitely like the others as well.

Styles Jerseylicious
How precious is this show. It definitely has a entertainment factor, but it has some good points as well. I think I officially have a favorite character in Gigi...she seems like a really good well-rounded person. You must check this show out if you haven't already. Especially if you're memerized by the sprouting of shows from Jersey.

CW's 90210
I was super *i use that work way too much* excited when I heard there was going to be a new 90210. I can remember being a kid when the first series was launched and instantly loving it. I'm pretty sure it was because they were a lot older than me so it made me feel cool (I'm such a dork at times). This new cast is awesome and besides being a good (non reality) show they also discuss some important topics.

MTV's 16 and Pregnant
I was instantly drawn to this show as well and have watched each season (including Teen Mom) with hopeful thoughts for these young ladies. Its interesting to see the teens in these situations and I think it shows America that teens from all backgrounds have a problem with teen pregnancy. I really hope these ladies grown up and become great parents and learn from the past to try to prevent pregnancy from happening again until they're completely ready for it.

I've never been an Oprah fan but thought I'd give it a shot since its her last season on network tv and all. I don't really care much when she has celebrities on for no reason, but I love her other shows. She has topics that make me cry, laugh and everything in between.

Oxygen's Bad Girls Club
Such a trainwreck but I can't seem to get enough. Is it me or has this seaon been extremely loonnnnng? I think Oxygen tried to stretch it out with the 1-2 week breaks in the middle of the season to get more viewers or something. It seems a lot more over the top than past seasons and I really would like them to calm it down just a little, but of course I'll keep watching!

Modern Family
How late and I on the Modern Family bandwagon? I totally slept on this show until I saw the cast on Oprah and laughed the entire time. I wish this show was an full hour, I laugh so hard when watching it. I love that it portrays such a diverse family that gets along wonderfully *most of the time*.

Now that I've gotten that out of my system maybe I can focus on my makeup and fashion posts again!

Love and Hugs,