Saturday, November 14, 2009

Welcome Back...

Well hello there! I haven't been on in FOREVER...I guess I've been busy with other things. I have so many random things to talk about and I don't know where to start...Yikes! I guess I should start with the good stuff...MY MAN!!!!

I've been really blessed to find a great man...something I never thought would happen in a million years. I was the type of "independent" women that felt she didn't need or want a man. I thought being in a relationship meant I had to totally change who I was and want I did (bascially give up my life). I guess I was wrong!...I have definitely realized that you can still be independent within your relationship, it's not a submit and quit type of thing...I guess I watch waaayy too much TV.

My boyfriend (yes...I said it!) seems to think I've had a lot of bad relationships thus the reason for me not wanting to be involved. I keep telling him, it wasn't the fact of bad relationships, it was listening to some of the issues that my friends have with their sig. others or guys they date. That isn't to say that all of my friends have issues in their relationships, 'cause they don't. I def. have a couple of friends with really successful relationships! Now that I've found a good guy, I remember what my mother used to say "you have to kiss a couple of frogs, before finding your prince"...thanks Mom, I have my prince! Ok ok ok...I'll stop talking all this mushy stuff now!

I guess I'll close this post with saying - give relationships a will find your true love when you least expect it.