Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I'm Obsessed!

I'm so OBSESSED with makeup that is...I've been this way for a while now but it's really gotten bad the last couple of months. I love the way you can change your look by just applying a little makeup. I'm still a newbie but I'm quickly learning. I rarely wear it, except when going out and yet my collection is extensive...YIKES (not a good thing!).

I never wore makeup in high school or even college...I was a lipgloss only type of girl. I always thought natural was better, I guess that came from my mom who NEVER wore makeup and still looked great. I was introduced to makeup by a coworker in 2000 and started visiting MAC counters shortly thereafter. It's kind of funny because my first visit I bought two things...Pervette lipstick and Plum lipliner. That was all the makeup I needed, I found myself more interested the perfume, which if you've been a MAC fan for while you remember it being one fragrance. I found myself wearing the lipstick ALOT but didn't return once I finished the tube.

It wasn't until 6 years later when I had a company party to attend that MAC enter my thought process. To my surprise I went into the store was greeted by a familiar face...an ex coworker that I had lost contact with. She's a great makeup artist and made it fun for me. She understood that I was a beginner and didn't know the latest technique, she didn't try to make me buy a lot of product just to make a sale and she was patient and allowing me to ask questions without rushing. That was the point I became hooked on MAC.

Whenever I went to a mall I had to stop at the MAC store and buy something...although I was buying I still wasn't wearing. I'm not sure if I was still nervous about making sure the coloers matched or just lacked the confidence. I believe my first palette was extremely neutral as I didn't want ot try anything with color. I felt I looked horrible with color. Sometimes I would attempt to put eyeshadow on but it was always a lid color and if I felt spunky I'd add a highlight. My eyelashes are non-existent so mascara was ALWAYS an issue and what the HECK is eyeline!?! I almost put my eye out (literally) the first time I tried it. Although I was afraid of makeup I continued to invest money into it buying anything MAC as that was the BEST thing out there or so I thought. It wasn't until a couple of my friends had mentioned how much money I spent on MAC that I realized it was time to start wearing this stuff.

I bought a makeup mirror and started practicing. I was still a little nervous about mixing color but I tried eyeliner, mascara, and even tried filling in my brows...I was on a roll! I then discovered this little place named ULTA and again there went my money. I loved that they had prestige products as well as over the counter items under one roof. That was the point that I started experimenting with products outside the MAC brand. I also found my confidence around the same as I was told by my makeup artist "makeup is what YOU make it, don't worry about doing it the same way everyone else does" that was exactly what the Dr. order for my esteem. I start putting one color (something neutral) all over my lid, or wearing two colors. I always thought I had to put on 3-5 colors like the MAC artist do to have a good look. I started adding to my collection as drugstore makeup is a lot cheaper than a high end stuff and can give you the same result.

Enough with my blabbering about makeup let's jump to present day. I've started mixing colors and doing ME something I should have tried a LONG time ago. I've really tried to focus on the whole picture but still keeping it neutral with a little POP of color. I've also discoved you tube and all of the wonder makeup videos...watch out you might see me posting videos soon! I guess I'll close now by saying...makeup is great, fun, cheap and what YOU make it. Be yourself when wearing it and shop around there are some really good deals out there.

Happy Reading