Thursday, September 30, 2010

Teen Mom 9-28

so, i guess i forgot to blog about last weeks episode so things will be a bit out of order...sorrys *pout*! this episode had both highs and lows and i mean lows. we saw the good, bad and almost ugly *i try to not judge so i won't flat out call her ugly* in Amber this week. i will say i was pretty satisfied with the others throughout the episode which makes me a happy reality show watcherer! let me know what you think after checking the post out.

Farrah really seems to be coming around and finding her footing in this thing called motherhood and life. i've been so critical of her this season and this is my first post the includes nothing but positive about her. i can't believe how well she's getting along with her parents which makes me happy because Sophia has an "adult" to look out for her...y'all know Farrah slow. watching Farrah and Sophia with Sophia's aunt and baby cousin made me cry so hard...i can't keep up my G status *not even* ballin' at the TV like that. i loved that she brought a baby book with pictures of Derek, Sophia's father and shared them and us. how much does Sophia look like her daddy!?! i swear she looks exactly like him that its scary..that smile is her daddy's all over again. i'm really looking for a happier ending to this story...they deserve it.

Miss Maci Miss Maci, things are looking up for her...she can't cook worth a damn but she seems to be doing well. how happy is everyone that she and Ryan were able to sort everything out like adults? i know i am although i really wish she lived closer to him so they didn't have to shuffle Bentley such a long distance.

hey Catelynn! how precious is Carly??? she looks like both of them and i think its the most precious thing ever. i'm very sad they didn't graduate with their classmates but i am happy they aren't giving up. *yells* go Tyler and Catelynn you can do it!!!!

i was dreading talking about the next NUT but i guess its obvious i need to address the craziness thats Amber. ok...chick needs to be on something *throws antidepressant in her mouth* and Gary even said she needed to go back on her medicine. i felt so bad for him when she acted a fool and hit him and tried to push his stuff down the stairs. i swear Gary should have called dem boys to handle Ambers crazy ass...domestic violence goes both ways people! i really hope Leah is taken care of in all of this foolishness...thank goodness for partially sane grandparents!

well thats all for me folks...the few sentences on Amber wore me O U T out!

love and hugs,

Sunday, September 26, 2010

LadybugB's Top Jamz!

this summer gave us a couple of great albums and singles that has kept me longing for more *shouting* we want more in my young girl concert screaming voice! i thought i'd share a few of my faves and try to find out yours. the list below is in no significant order.

Monica - Still Standing
this album as a whole was awesome i think the break really did Monica well and gave us something very refreshing. i turn this album on and sing like i sound as good as she does...its really helps me escape. if you don't have this one go it soon!

Fantasia - Back to Me
Fanny..Fanny..Fanny (my name for her) you've done it this time. between the hit reality show to the drama of her love life to this album *which i think also put her back on the map as a great artist* and everything in else she has going on. she definitely showed everyone she's a grown up with this album...the songs are much needed and touch on various topics. like i said about Monica's album you must go get this one...NOW!

Jasmine Sullivan's Holding You Down (Goin' In Circles)
what a great follow up to her first album..this song is FIYA! i turn this song up every time its on the radio and listen to it on my iPhone all the time...i can't seem get enough. not only was the original a hit but the Remixx with Mary is just as hot and came just as this song had been in rotation for a couple of months. i'm excitedly awaiting her sophomore release.

Miguel - All I Want Is You
i first heard about this song from several youtubers and went searching iTunes to find out for myself and boy was i pleasantly surprised. this song hadn't made it in the rotation when i stumbled upon it but it was on repeat all the time on my phone. i can't wait to hear more from him in the near future this song has not gotten old at all.

i hope you guys download (legally of course!) these songs or albums if you don't have them already they're definitely worth it.

love and hugs,

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Who Wanna Rock with JWOWW

OM-Geezy...can you say late! i've had this post in the edit process for so long that it doesn't make sense..i really need to do better with my life! when i first started this post i was going to recap the entire episode but decided to focus on the important part..JWOWW rockin' Sammi *yelling* fight, fight, fight in my Jerry Springer audience voice!

whelp..i have mixed emotions about the letter. i know why they did it and i may have done things the same way if i thought the recipient would have responded in a positive thankful way. with that said i know Jenni and Snooki both knew who they were dealing with and knew that Sammi is an idiot who would have believed Ronnie before believing her friends. chick needs help people...i swear she's pathetic and definitely made herself look desperate so far this season.

dun, dun, dun, duuuunnn...i really didn't expect the fight to go down like that. i would have been pissed if i tried to help a friend out and she totally turned the tables on me. JWOWW is such a gansta i really didn't think she was going to mush the girl like she did and then throw the girl to the floor while keeping her balance! because i try to play fair i admit that hook Sammi caught her with *after getting up from the floor* was a good connect...i didn't know Sammi had it in her. then everything took a turn for the worst everyone was holding Jenni while no one seemed to be worried about Sammi especially Ronnie. shouldn't he have been holding his gf instead of his roommate!?! let's play fair dude...i know you were upset cause Jenni embarrassed your girl but play fair dude! after that the rest of the episode made me want to throw up in my mouth so i'll stay away from it since i don't want to feel sick again.

happy reading...until next time,

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Teen Mom - Sept. 7th!

i've been very 1-sided in this blog thing only discussing makeup and such. i've made a decision...i'm going to start blogging about a little big of everything! i know i're (not sure who you consist of since i don't have any readers *sad face*) super excited and can't wait for more!

in addition to makeup another favorite past time i have is TV...particularly REALITY TV...yeah i know!?! after a hard day at work i want nothing more than to watch people make a fool of themselves on national TV. i think the thing that draws me in is the fact that i don't act like them and would (NEVER!) act so public that is. my first TV post will be on one of my favorites...wait for it...none other than Teen Mom *i heart this show*. Let's jump right in this weeks installment was really good.

i decided to break it down per girl instead of jumping all around according to the episode. i'm happy that Maci is involved with Kyle he seems like a really good guy who enjoys both her and Bentley. i'm a little more reserved so the decision to up and move 2 hours away so quickly (although i'm not sure how long they've been dating) seems abrupt. i definitely get where shes coming from in wanting to get to know him better but it doesn't seem that they explored the option of Kyle moving to Chattanooga. i would like to see her explore other options before moving that far from her support system.

Ryan, Ryan, Ryan i don't know where to start. i have very mixed feelings about him. i know it takes some people more time than others to grow up and take responsibility but i can't forget the way he acted on previous seasons. a big part of me thinks he's only asking for more time because his parents and gf want him to have more time not because he really wants to spend time with Bentley, but the optimist in me is thinking he may be growing up. i hope this growth continues and he finds a job too*how bout them apples* (i think i just channeled my grandmother when i thought to say that)!  

last but not least with appears they're going to court. i really hope this ends well for everyone involved and people see that shes a great mother. she's been the most stable person in this entire train ride for me and i'm sure its because of her home life and well...not to mention she's a southern girl so having a kid at 16 and almost getting married is the LIFE!!!

where to next o look its AMBER time:
i can't hold this in any longer...Gary is an IDIOT how old is he btw?! you let your friend egg you on to be a pussy who complains about not being invited to go out with your gf or fiancee or whatever the hell you guys are this week! your friend is lonely and possibly has a crush on you so he wants to to be single. i'm happy he came to his senses at some point during the night.

i keep saying Amber is a G...that girl will hit you and put your ass out in a minute! i'm not condoning domestic violence or violence at all but damn she's a feisty one at least for a minute. she's one of those that will put her man in check and then beg to have him back..i need her to fix that! i would have been upset with Gary as well, he acted like an ass all because of his friend *screaming* stop being a follower Gary! i'm happy they seem to have worked things out and Amber was able to get her party on for her bday.

who has a WACK JOB for a mother, CATELYNN has a WACK JOB for a mother. i swear i feel so bad for Catelynn when it comes to her mother. i really thought her mother and step father were a little more normal this season until he went back to rehab for the umpteenth time and her mother started acting (i use the term loosely) like an addict herself. i can't believe that her mother acted like that on camera, in public and in front of Catelynn's friend. who calls their daughter names like that..i know everyone doesn't have the cookie cutter family but that was way too much. maybe her mother needs a stint in rehab...i'm just sayin'! i thought the dress she wore for prom was precious and looked really good on her and i'm even happier for her and Tyler for winning prom king and queen. Speaking of Tyler...they seem to be doing really well and enjoying being teens. they were really going through it earlier this season and i didn't think they would make all. i'm routing for them *cheering*!

guess who's next, go on guess..fine i'll tell you. its FARRAH time!!!! i think this episode helped her get back in my good graces a little. i'm not saying she didn't have a reason for acting out a little but she would often take it waaaaay too far with her smart comments and body language.

i was very shocked when she invited her mother to her therapy session...maybe she's growing up a little, at least that's what i'm telling myself. i'm happy her mother accepted the offer as well..she could have been a bitch and decided not to go which definitely would have been a bad move. of course Farrah had to act out in the therapy session and act as if she wanted to gain nothing from inviting her mother to partake. now, now..i understand  she was upset with her mother and the way she was acting was years worth of family issues. the therapist must be cut from the same cloth as Amber 'cause she put that attitude to a halt and checked Farrah *therapist - 1, Farrah -0*! i was happy to see a change in Farrah and Debra (i think that's her mom's name!) and they seem to be moving in the right direction which will be great for Sophia cause Farrah def. needs help with parenting!

now, i must inform you i'm not a parent but i have been around children and have a little sister 9 years younger than i am (i know, my parent's were nutz!) so i do understand basic parenting. the most disturbing thing about Farrah is she doesn't quit understand that you should leave the baby unattended. i cringed when i saw Sophia sitting on the counter top (especially after the bed and kitchen sink situations) and Farrah was in the other room. i know this is REALITY TV and the producers want to be hands off but i need them to start stepping in before the baby is seriously hurt on their watch..OK *shakes head and snaps fingers*! i hope she learns to make sure baby as her mother calls her is safe.

whelp...thats about it for this installment check back next later this week for more Teen Mom!

love and hugs,

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

August Fav's

now that i'm actually wearing makeup i'm finding products that i absolutely LOVE! I used to be a MAC only girl but then i grew up and gained responsibilities, which actually worked out for me because i've had the chance to try multiple brands. the following products have made it onto my favorites list this month.

essence extreme definition mascara - i bought this some time ago because i needed to buy something to use my ULTA coupon...little did i know it would turn out to be a jewel. i normally use this as my 2nd or 3rd coat to really separate my lashes. it retails for 2.99 at your local ULTA.

rimmel super great lash mascara - this was another mascara that i stumbled upon at my local Target. i almost went with Sexy Curves but being the frugal person i am i decided to try the cheaper mascara and again i'm happy i did!

i'm lovin' the new Wet n' Wild Coloricon palettes. i can't believe the quality of this drugstore line. i remember when Wet n' Wild used to be the crappy .99 makeup you bought in high school. that is definitely not the case with these new shadows. i originally bought Vanity and Lust but bought Greed and Pride on bogo.  these shadows are very pigmented, blend well and versatile. i've been able to do natural and bold looks...i love it!

L-R: Greed, Lust, Vanity, Pride this post comes to an end i hope i've been able to give some of you insight into a few products. i really hope you try some of them and that you love them as well.

happy reading,

Monday, September 6, 2010

Guess Who's Back

i'm back lovelies! i know i've been gone forever and i'm not totally sure why. i have some things geared up to go to and will definitely be writing more posts. i'm really getting serious about this makeup thingy and want to document my road whatever that is. stayed tuned more to come...

love and hugs,